Sunday, April 19, 2015

Positves Outcomes to Fat Taxing

Consumption of Fatty foods have external costs on society. Consuming unhealthy foods is one of the main contributors to obesity.  Some negatives that come from obesity are: 1. Higher health care costs due to treating diseases related to obesity, such as, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, and diabetes. 2 Time lost at work due to obesity issues. 3. Those who are obese are less likely to be employed, meaning lower tax revenue and higher welfare spending on benefits. By taxing Fatty foods, educating and empowering Americans, we could encourage a healthier diet, which would lead to improved health and would reduce the amount of related diseases. This would encourage producers to supply foods lower in fat and sugar. Fast food restaurants would have incentive to provide a wider and healthier range of foods. We could potentially raise revenue. By increasing the tax on fatty foods, the government could use that money to offset other taxes, be used to cover health care, or medical research. “Choosing an apple instead of a candy bar may also make the difference between a good mood and a bad mood. Although the relationship is not entirely understood, well-balanced nutrition and mental health are integrally related. Eating nutrient-dense foods at regular intervals will help you feel more positive and energetic” ( If more Americans lived a healthier life and had a healthier diet, we would have a happier, healthier, and more productive country.   

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